As we soon celebrate the re-opening of Congregation B’nai Israel we will also be
celebrating the successful conclusion of Phase One of the Campaign For the Future. We will
need your continuing support to move ahead to Phase Two, when we expand our
educational and social programming. Please click on the Ner Tamid to make your gift.
celebrating the successful conclusion of Phase One of the Campaign For the Future. We will
need your continuing support to move ahead to Phase Two, when we expand our
educational and social programming. Please click on the Ner Tamid to make your gift.
Our Synagogue is Closed for Renovation For Just a While Longer!
The Karaite Jews of America will continue to host services at Peninsula Sinai in Foster City until we are able to fully reopen B'nai Israel for services and events. Please refer to the weekly emailed announcement for updates and further details.