Message from President, Henry Mourad (Januaray 31, 2015 - Motsae Shabbat)
Dear fellow congregants,
I thank you for the opportunity to serve the KJA as its newly elected President. It's been an honor to serve on the Board of Directors for several years and now it is even more of an honor and a great privilege to lead the KJA. Past Presidents before me paved the way and established a solid road map and to follow in their footsteps. My mission is crystal clear. And, together we can continue our heritage and devotion to see the larger Community flourish.
Our mission is simple. We are committed to involve our young generation and guide them to embrace Judaism in its purest form. Our objective is to get them involved in Hebrew studies and show them the beauty of Karaism. Our prayer and its liturgy are spiritual and also unique. Even though the mission is simple, the task is quite complex. In these modern times, daily life is complicated and time is scarce. Scheduling these programs require a great deal of flexibility.
We are committed to work around these obstacles and overcome any and all road blocks to achieve success and get to our destination.
We are also reaching to our Community to obtain their assistance so we may in turn help others who are less fortunate. We believe that together we will uphold our Jewish traditions and follow God's commandments. Nothing could please me more than to expand this program and make sure that the whole community is better off with each passing day.
At one time in our recent past, the Karaite Community was on pace to outnumber all other movements of Judaism. I am positive that together and with your undivided support we can pave the way to restoring our renowned heritage and great tradition. We are one Community working to help one another. Every member of the Board has one goal in mind, namely to see that our Community flourish, expand and be well-off in every respect. We are all striving to make life better for the Karaite Community both secularly and spiritually. The KJA Board has worked diligently for many years before and will continue to work even harder in the future without any expectation of compensation. Our expected reward is to look after the benefit of all Karaites here and in Israel. May the Almighty help us in our challenging endeavors. As before, we will continue to coordinate with our brothers and sisters in Israel to achieve these noble objectives.